Oh man... so much happened this week! But my birthday was fantastic! Im training now! I got a new cute bright missionary to train in Morumbi. So I´m in the same area with a greenie... oh man. its so weird! I cant believe this! six months has flown... and the inadequacies were piling up this week for me, but also, MIRACLES! It was an incredible week! everyday was an adventure!
Sis Reis, MY trainer, left for another area, she was AMAZING to work with, i am so grateful for her. When we went to Sao Paulo, on my birhtday - big city on my birhtday! it was fantastic! it just made me realize how grateful i am to be a missionary, and that whatever the Lord asigns me, I can do it. I CAN do it... and oh man I am doing it. haha I can see how He is providing the way for me, its fabulous.
Sis Bruno!!!! Shes from south carolina and is excited to be in the field. She wants to keep the rules and work hard and it really is great to see the enthusiasm she has a missionary. Her portuguese is really great! Which I am grateful for, she is understanding a lot which helps. But I have never witnessed the gift of tounges as much as this week... seriously. we were in a few taxis this week and each one was a teaching opportunity. To be honest, my first lessons that I did ALL by myself... It was incredible to just talk... seriously. Just talk. The sensation of the Holy Ghost using my mouth to say what needed to be said.... I know that each time was special... when the missionaries feel the Holy Ghost, the investigators do.
Another miracle- we are safe! two americans walking around sao paulo and sao jose dos campos... we are definitely getting more looks, more opportunities to talk to people! :D We traveld twice to sao paulo last week, and once this week for the mission conference! wohoo so excited! Yay! I love Christmas, its going to be fantastic!
Just know Im safe and we are working hard within our means. :D I love you all and hope the season is just full of red and green and stars! I love you all!
Com amor,
Sister Waite
-Birthday Cake! Sister Reis made it for me... Galinha Pintadinha!!!! oh yea! we ate it at a family night in one of the members house monday night, it was fantastic!
-Sister Bruno! my Birthday gift to me! my ´daughter´in the mission.... I became a mom. But really... I feel protective of her and take care of her and show her how to do things where to go... Its great! Welcome to what being a mom is like.... teaching her how to talk... hahha its really funny. always thought it was ridiculous the whole mom/dad as your trainer. but now i know why people say it. :D
-LOVE THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!! they are so amazing! have such potential and want to do the right things. Love being a missionary!
-papae noel! came to the ward christmas party! it was fantastic!
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